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Terms and Conditions


Chapter 1: General Provisions


Article 1 (Terms of Use)


1.< Derakay Pte. Ltd. >(hereinafter referred to as ' Derakay') agrees to the terms of use of this Athens app (hereinafter referred to as 'this agreement') when using the Athens app (hereinafter referred to as the 'this app') conducted by After doing so, you must download this app and follow these terms and conditions. These Terms of Use apply when people who use this app (hereinafter referred to as 'users') use this app.


2. This Agreement and the notices we post on this App about this App or individually contact users directly are all integrated with this Agreement, and users are obligated to comply with them.


Article 2 (Change of this Agreement)


1. The Company may add, change, or delete these Terms and Conditions (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘changes, etc.’) from time to time without obtaining the consent of the user, if deemed necessary.


2. If a user uses this app after this agreement has been changed, it is considered to have agreed to this agreement after the change.


3. This Agreement will be effective from November 4, 2021.


Chapter 2 : This app and users, etc.


Article 3 (Definition)


1. In this agreement, 'this app content' means various information (hereinafter referred to as ''this app content'') information about this app).


2. User transmitted information refers to various information that users transmit to us on this app and information provided by users through this app.


Article 4 (Download of this app)


Individuals wishing to use this app must agree to this agreement and then download this app to their own mobile information device.


Article 5 (Various conditions for use of this app)


1. The user acquires the right to use the App for free for the purpose of this App in accordance with each provision of this Agreement.


2. Users cannot license, rent or lease this app to a third party.


3. Users cannot copy or change all or part of this app.


4. Users cannot reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble this app.


5. The user pays the communication cost caused by the registration, use, change, and suspension of use of this app, and the company

does not bear any responsibility.


6. The campaign information posted in this app is provided by the company planning the campaign or the campaign planning of a third-party company approved by the company.


Article 6 (Change of content of this app)


1. We may change the contents of this app content, etc. In addition, the change takes effect from the time when we change the corresponding content of this app on this app, except as otherwise provided by the company.


2. In the event that the contents of this app are changed in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not be held responsible for any damages to users caused by this.


Article 7 (Suspension of use of this app)


1. If the company determines that any of the following reasons has occurred, without prior notice to the user, suspend, suspend, or discontinue the use of all or part of this app (hereinafter collectively referred to as 'interruption, etc.') do) can be done. (1) In case of regular or urgent maintenance of equipment for this app, etc. (2) If this app becomes unavailable due to fire, power outage, or other unexpected accidents (3) In the event that this app becomes unavailable due to natural disasters such as earthquakes, eruptions, floods, tsunamis, etc. (4) In the event that this app becomes unavailable due to war, turmoil, riot, civil war, labor dispute, embargo, strike, inability to secure materials and transportation facilities, or intervention by government authorities


2. If it is difficult to continuously provide this app for various reasons, we may abolish all or part of the use of this app at our discretion without obtaining the user's permission.


3. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages suffered by users or third parties due to suspension of use of this app due to any one of the preceding 2 or similar reasons.


Article 8 (Suspension of use of this app)


1. Users who wish to suspend use of this app may suspend use by uninstalling this app through the menu within this app or by a prescribed method.

2. All remaining points will be lost when you leave this app account.


Chapter 3 Responsibilities and Obligations of Users


Article 9 (Principle of Self-Responsibility)


1. Users use this app at their own risk by complying with this agreement, respecting others, observing laws, morals, and courtesy.


2. In the event that the user inflicts financial damage on the company and a third party posted on this app in connection with the transaction of Lineage W and Lineage game items in this app including), at your own risk and expense, and indemnify all damages (including litigation costs and attorneys' fees).


Article 10 (Prohibited Matters)


Users must not engage in any of the following acts other than those stipulated in the preceding article. (1) Unlawful access to, use or operation of facilities for this app (including communication facilities, communication lines, electronic calculators, other devices and software prepared by the Company or designated by us to provide this app) Including acts that impose a burden on the server beyond the normal scope of use) (2) Unlawful use of the portable information terminal or an act that induces a third party to use it illegally (3) Transmitting, writing or posting information that contains computer viruses and other harmful computer programs on this app (4) Acts of using this app by pretending to be another user (5) Acts of illegally changing this app (6) Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate or inappropriate (7) Misconduct in item sales and purchase transactions


Chapter 4 Intellectual Property Rights


Article 11 (Intellectual Property Rights)


1. For information provided or posted by us on this app (including information related to this app), the user acquires copyright, patent right, utility model right, trademark right, design right, and all other intellectual property rights (their rights) (including the right to apply for registration of or registration of their rights) belongs to the Company or a third party, and the user obtains permission from the Company and the third party who has permitted the use of the Company, or in Article 30 of the Copyright Act. You may not use the information directly or disclose or allow a third party to use it, except when used within the stipulated scope of private use.


2. The copyright and all other intellectual property rights of the user transmitted information provided by the user on this app belong to the user. However, the user has the right to use the information transmitted by the user to the Company and a third party designated by the Company for indefinite and free non-exclusive use at home and abroad (right of reproduction, right of automatic public transmission, right of screening, right of distribution, right of transfer, right of rental, right of translation, right of translation, right of (including, but not limited to, the right to make a product and sell it to a third party, whether paid or gratuitous) is deemed to have been granted (including the right to grant sublicense rights). The user shall not exercise moral rights of the author on the Company or a third party designated by the Company. In addition, when the user transfers the intellectual property rights belonging to the user under this section to a third party, the user is responsible for the third party who inherits the intellectual property right and allows the user to accept the provisions of this section.


Article 12 (Rights regarding this app)


1. Intellectual property rights such as copyrights related to this app belong to us, and this app is protected by copyright laws in Korea and Singapore and other applicable laws. Therefore, users should treat this app the same as other copyrighted works.


2. Trademarks, logos and service marks displayed on this app (hereinafter collectively referred to as “trademarks, etc.”) are registered or unregistered trademarks of our company. The Company does not allow the transfer or use of any trademarks to users or other third parties in accordance with this Agreement.


Chapter 5 Operation


Article 13 (Rights of our company)


1. The Company may freely place advertisements, etc. handled by third parties designated by the Company on this App.


2. We may collect information from users on this app (including, but not limited to, information sent by users, etc.). We strictly manage the information we collect in accordance with the security policy stipulated in the following article.


Article 14 (Security Policy)


1. The Company complies with the following in the operation of this app's system information base (hereinafter referred to as 'this system'). (1) Access to and operation of this system is limited to the person in charge and system administrator specified within the company. (2) In order to operate the function of this system normally, it responds by introducing and operating an appropriate security system that is normally available against viruses or external intrusions. (3) When entrusting the business operation of this system to an external business operator, the preceding 2 is strictly observed.


2. Regarding the overall processing of personal information by our company, we follow the privacy policy on our website.


Article 15 (Immunity and Compensation for Damage)


1. The company is not responsible for any loss or damage to users in connection with the use of this app, except in cases where the company intentionally intends to do so.


2. In the event that a link is placed on a website operated by a third party other than our company on this app, damage caused by the user's use of the link's website (including, but not limited to, billing, purchase of goods, etc.) takes no responsibility whatsoever.


3. In the event that the user's information related to this App and user transmission information is lost due to reasons not predicted by the Company, such as malfunction, trouble, power outage, or communication line abnormality, or system failure, etc. of the device providing this App, We take no responsibility for any damage caused by this.


4. The Company shall not be held responsible for any social, mental, physical, or monetary damages caused by the user's violation of these Terms of Use or an act outside of the proper use of this app.


5. The Company regards the user's use of the App or any actions following it as the use and action by the user, regardless of whether the use or action is by the user himself or herself, and as a result of the use and action We take no responsibility for any damage caused.


6. The Company shall not be liable to the user for any expenses (including, but not limited to, communication costs, etc.) borne by the user due to the suspension of use of this app, etc.


7. The Company shall not be held responsible for any disadvantage or damage incurred by the user as a result of the user's negligence in the method of using this app, etc.


8. This app is content that can be provided to us at the time we run this app for users, and we do not guarantee that the app is free from defects.


9. The Company does not guarantee the authenticity, usefulness, completeness, legality, validity, reliability, usefulness, accuracy, etc. of the information, including information related to this App, obtained by the user while using the App.


10. The Company is fully responsible, including the obligation to recover the data, etc. (including user-provided information) accumulated in the equipment for this app by the user, even if it is lost (including deletion by the user himself/herself) or changed by a third party. does not support In addition, we are not responsible for any actions (including changes, viewing, etc.) that occur with respect to user-provided information downloaded by other users.


11. The Company shall not be held responsible for inaccurate or non-submission of the submitted documentary evidence regarding safe point transaction between users.


12. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 1 to 11, in the event that the Company's indemnity stipulated in this Agreement is not recognized due to applicable laws or the final judgment of each court, the Company shall be liable for direct and practical damages to the user. In this case, you are responsible for compensation accordingly.


Article 15 UGC (User Generated Content)


You have a warranty for your UGC. UGC can administer your order to your order, or the privacy or portrait rights of third parties. Athens should make wise decisions for UGC if it thinks you can. Athens provides professional sales services for the exclusion of UGC or other content. Neither 'censorship' nor UGC informed any UGC registered.






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